According to a new report from the State Foreclosure Prevention Working Group, a group of state attorney generals and bank supervisors across the country, loan modifications […]
The instant bankruptcy is filed, for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, a protective umbrella called the automatic stay is triggered which protects the debtor and […]
Starting September 7, 2010, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) will offer a new refinance program to qualifying underwater homeowners. To be able to participate in the […]
Before convening on its August break, the House of Representatives passed the Real Estate Jobs and Investment Act of 2010. The bill advances the real estate […]
Rarely does a loan modification include a principal reduction. The typical loan modification only deals with the first mortgage and will only reduce the monthly payment, […]
Beginning September 7th, the Federal Housing Authority (FHA) will offer FHA-insured mortgages to qualifying borrowers who have a non-FHA mortgage. To be eligible, the borrower must […]
Fannie Mae has unleashed a new website purporting to give consumers a new opportunity to explore options regarding their home loans including, but not limited to, […]