September 7, 2011

Black & LoBello on the Radio

Click here to listen to the Legal Hour on KDWN AM720 from August 31st, 2011 in which Managing Partner, Tisha Black Chernine, Esq., discusses the Landlord/Tenant parking lot issues, […]
September 7, 2011

LPS Releases Dismal Mortgage Statistics

Lender Processing Services (LPS), the largest mortgage servicer in the United States, recently released its “Mortgage Monitor,” a comprehensive study of the status of U.S. mortgages/foreclosures. […]
August 30, 2011

Black & LoBello on the Radio

Click here to listen to the Legal Hour on KDWN AM720 from August 24nd, 2011. Managing Partner, Tisha Black Chernine, Esq., discusses commercial leasing, the motivations of banks […]
August 24, 2011

SB 58 Penalizes Employers’ Fraud

Senate Bill 58, a workers’ compensation Bill, amends Chapter 616D of the Nevada Revised Statutes. Chapter 616D addresses prohibited acts, the penalties for such acts and […]
August 23, 2011

Black & LoBello on the Radio

Click here to listen to the Legal Hour on KDWN AM720 from August 17th, 2011 in which managing partner, Tisha Black Chernine, Esq., discusses the latest real estate […]
August 22, 2011

Black & LoBello on the Radio

Click here to listen to the Legal Hour on KDWN AM720 from August 15th, 2011 in which Christopher J. Philips, Esq., discusses the benefits of a living will, […]