Make sure you’re allowed to open & confirm that business licenses are current.
Clark County has a special hotline for business owners that may have immediate concerns. The Business License Department’s business assistance phone number is (702) 455-6561 or via email: Click here to check out more Clark County resources.
Establish COVID health and safety system and ensure that you are ready to open
The Clark County Departments of Business License and Community and Economic Development have created a resource guide that includes checklists to help business owners evaluate their readiness to open. The guide is available on the County’s website at here.
Ask your employees about returning.
Check-in with your staff regarding their concerns about returning back to work full-time. Phase one suggests that most workers that can remain working from home should do so. Explore all options for your staff and do what works best for your team.
Revisit your business model; be flexible and open to change
Now is the time to review your business plan to see where you can adjust your current sales model. The business landscape looks very different today than it did two months ago. Can you shift your classes online and target clients virtually?
Review contracts and be proactive with your vendors/suppliers
It is important to get ahead of any possible financial difficulties and remain in good standing with your vendors. Don’t wait for problems to arise while you’re navigating this new economy. Doing so could put you into an uncomfortable situation you could have avoided by being proactive.
Continue to research and apply for assistance programs
The CARES act provided for billions of dollars in assistance for small businesses, and benefits for those who are laid off work. Continue to apply for assistance as it becomes available, and research avenues of relief you may need, including bankruptcy. For more resource information visit our COVID-19 page by clicking here.
Make sure people know what’s going on with your business.
Regularly post your updated hours and service options on social media or by any other means you use to regularly contact your client base. If your clients or customers don’t know your open, they can’t buy your services.