Estate Planning Blogs

August 2, 2011

Black & LoBello on the Radio

Click here to listen to a two minute clip from the Legal Hour on KDWN AM720 in which Christopher J. Phillips explains the probate process,  what purpose it […]
July 27, 2011

Win For Nevada Homeowners

A group of lobbyists, hired by some of the country’s largest banks, tried to convince the Nevada Legislature to reduce the homestead exemption from its current […]
June 15, 2011

Chris Phillips on KLAV AM 1230

Christopher J. Phillips, Esq., guest stars on the Legal Hour hosted by Attorney Malcolm LaVergne.  To listen to Mr. Phillips explain how domestic partners may be designated […]
December 22, 2010

What is Adult Guardianship?

Christopher J. Phillips, Esq., of Black & LoBello in Las Vegas, Nevada explains how Adult Guardianship works in the state of Nevada.
November 17, 2010

Nevada Probate Basics

Christopher J. Phillips, Esq., explains when a probate is required in the state of Nevada.