When facing the decision whether or not to file for bankruptcy you want to make sure you have an experienced attorney who will handle your case the way you want. The following is a list of key issues you need to address and ask about when you are searching for a bankruptcy attorney:
Have you asked around?
The number one rule in choosing a lawyer is to ask others who have filed bankruptcy how their attorney treated them. Some attorneys run a “mill” practice that focus on getting as many people in and out of their office doors as possible. These attorneys charge typically charge lower fees but also give the least amount of service. By asking friends and family, you can avoid falling into a “mill”. Find an experienced attorney who will take the time to sit down and answer your questions. Remember, no matter how much an attorney may be well-regarded, unless he or she is experienced in BANKRUPTCY law issues you don’t need them.
Does the attorney have the right experience?
Any attorney you consider using for your bankruptcy must have BANKRUPTCY experience. You don’t want to be some newbie lawyer’s guinea pig. By “newbie” I just don’t mean a new lawyer but also a new bankruptcy lawyer. As I mentioned before, no matter how much an attorney may be well-regarded, unless he or she is experienced in BANKRUPTCY law issues you don’t need them.
Are there communication issues?
Does the attorney explain the bankruptcy process in a way you can understand? Blogging and online publishing is more important now than ever before since professionals share information and educate the public about issues that concern them. Bankruptcy lawyers who maintain their own blogs prove they are knowledgeable enough to help others understand this field of law.
Who will be handling your case?
You must ask which lawyer will be handling your file. The attorney you interview may not necessarily be the one who will handle your bankruptcy issue. Make sure to ask who WILL be doing the day-to-day work on your file. In some firms, a paralegal might be handling the majority of your case so you should make sure you know this as well.
How much will it cost?
You have enough money trouble without worrying about what the fees will be for your bankruptcy. Ask the lawyer for the most detailed estimate he can give as to how much your case will cost.
Don’t make a fee-based decision.
The cheapest lawyer is not always the best lawyer. Hopefully, bankruptcy is a once-in-a-lifetime event. As such, you want to make sure you are getting a bankruptcy attorney who can do the best job for YOU. You want an attorney who will take the time to answer your questions, concerns, and any other fears you may have. An attorney who has his paralegal or assistant returning his phone calls might not be paying attention to your case. Always remember that you hired the attorney to work for you. Don’t settle for anyone else but THAT lawyer to do the work.