A client recently changed the name of their business and asked whether they must obtain a new Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
First, check whether your type of entity needs a new EIN if it changes its name.
If a new EIN is not necessary, then the business must change its business name with the IRS to register the new name with the pre-existing EIN. The methods for doing so are as follows:
Business |
Action Required |
Sole Proprietorship |
Write to the IRS at the address where you filed your return, informing the IRS of the name change. Note: The notification must be signed by the business owner or authorized representative. |
Corporation |
If you are filing a current year return, mark the appropriate name change box of the Form 1120 type you are using:
If you have already filed your return for the current year, write to the IRS at the address where you filed your return to inform them of the name change. In addition:
Partnership |
If you are filing a current year Form 1065, mark the appropriate name change box on the form: Page 1, Line G, Box 3.If you have already filed your return for the current year, write to the IRS at the address where you filed your return to inform them of the name change. In addition:
Carlos L. McDade, Esq.