Black & LoBello has received numerous inquiries regarding the new real estate laws discussed in our previous blog post. We thank you for your patronage of […]
Nevada Assembly Bill 273 makes major improvements to Nevada law to protect homeowners by limiting the amount of money a bank can collect after a homeowner […]
Countrywide and Saxon, two home mortgage lenders, settled with the Department of Justice with regards to alleged violations of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) for […]
Treasury officials confirmed that the Administration was examining principal reduction as a tool in the modification arsenal. Shortly thereafter, Bank of America unveiled a principal reduction […]
Today Case Shiller housing data confirmed that there is a double-dip in home prices nationwide. The National Index hit all new lows and is down 5.1% […]
Bankers watch bill that would criminalize home trashing When bankers told Nevada lawmakers they wanted to punish home-wreckers, they weren’t talking about adulterers who destroy marriages. […]
RealtyTrac reported Nevada posted the nation’s highest foreclosure rate for the 52nd straight month with 1 in 97 housing units receiving a foreclosure notice in April. […]
Small drop in Nevada rate for troubled mortgages By John G. Edwards The percentage of residential mortgage loans that are delinquent in Nevada dropped a percentage point […]