August 9, 2010

FHA Program for Underwater Homeowners

Beginning September 7th, the Federal Housing Authority (FHA) will offer FHA-insured mortgages to qualifying borrowers who have a non-FHA mortgage.  To be eligible, the borrower must […]
May 19, 2010

FHA’s new principal reduction program

A new program issued by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) requires lenders to reduce the principal by at least 10% for qualified borrowers.  Borrowers can qualify […]
May 17, 2010

New Mortgage Program for Unemployed

The Home Affordable Unemployment Program (UP) takes effect July 1, 2010, offering eligible unemployed borrowers an option to temporarily reduce or suspend mortgage payments for a […]
May 6, 2010

Republicans Want to End Fannie and Freddie

On Wednesday, Republicans announced a plan to wind down bailed-out mortgage-financing giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  This proposal has the potential to create some political […]
January 22, 2010

Lawyer vs. FHA

New Orleans residents are challenged often with the task of tracing home titles back potentially hundreds of years. With a community rich with history stretching back […]